The Patented MRT ®: Continued Collaboration with Sony Biotechnology, Inc.

by | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog

Food sensitivities are an important source of inflammation underlying most chronic inflammatory illness. The process of healing starts with identifying inflammation-provoking foods and chemicals.

The patented MRT Leukocyte Activation Test (LAT), and Oxford’s continuing collaboration with Sony Biotechnology,Inc., manufacturers of the MRT® instrumentation gives practitioners and their patients the most comprehensive and pertinent information of any blood test for food and food-chemical sensitivities. MRT® provides unparalleled accuracy, precision, and clinical utility.

MRT is the only food sensitivity assay, either antibody or cell mediated, that quantifies the degree of the inflammatory response to each antigen tested. In addition, MRT® is the only LAT that can independently identify inflammatory reactions in each leukocyte subgroup (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and lymphocytes).

That means MRT can account for a spectrum of reactions and pathways that no other LAT or antibody test can account for. This means the most meaningful test results and therapy that maximize clinical outcomes for your patient.

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