I have suffered from daily chronic hives (urticaria) for about three years. I had visited so many doctors and specialists and was put on so many medications, which none of them helped. I was tested for allergies and apparently, I was not allergic to anything. At one point, my allergist doctor told me there was nothing else that he could do, so I went to see other specialists hoping that they could help me but I had no luck as every doctor I visited said that my doctor had already done everything and they could not help me. I did a lot research on my own and did everything that you can think of, and nothing helped. While doing my own research I became across the MRT and LEAP diet program. I was very hesitant to spend the money at first, however I am so glad that I finally decided to do it.
Since beginning the LEAP program my chronic hives disappeared. Within few days of cutting out the foods and chemicals which were triggering the hives, I noticed 100% improvement. If you are suffering from chronic hives, I highly recommend the LEAP program.
Karen S.