I retired last May. After several months of still feeling bad, one of my Pilates instructors told me how MRT/LEAP helped her. I researched a few food sensitivity tests and chose to go with Oxford. After discussing with my doctor, he gave me the green light.
I haven’t felt this good in a long time. After the first 10 days I could really tell a difference. My energy level is up, headaches are few and far between, aches are at a minimum, stomach issues are almost zero. I told my son I felt like I wasn’t as grouchy as I used to be. He agreed. I didn’t know it was that bad. Cooking and eating foods with low sensitivity levels is pretty easy. Actually, I enjoy it. This investment in ‘me’ was well worth it.
The nutrition counselor Oxford paired me with, Diana Bright, was awesome. Diana explained everything. She sent me recipes, flyers and many other reference information. Having Diana help me made LEAP a simple process.
Laura W.